Dne 4. 10. 2017 smo se sedmošolci z avtobusom odpravili do Kanala. Razdelili smo se v dve skupini. Prva skupina si je najprej ogledala tovarno Plastik Si, druga pa je prisluhnila predstavitvi Kanala in si ogledala zasebno zbirko vojnih predmetov od leta 1914 do leta 1917. Po malici sta se skupini zamenjali. Po končanem ogledu smo se z avtobusom odpeljali do Avč, v črpalno hidroelektrarno Avče (ČHE Avče), kjer smo si najprej ogledali jezero, iz katerega ponoči črpajo vodo, podnevi pa jo izpuščajo. Potem smo si ogledali še strojniški jašek, ki je globok kar 80 metrov. Nato smo šli v nadzorno sobo, kjer nadzirajo potek delovanja vseh strojev v ČHE Avče. Ogled smo končali ob 11:30, zato smo še pravočasno prispeli v šolo, kjer nas je čakalo kosilo. Celoten dan nam je bil všeč saj smo videli veliko zanimivega in dobili veliko novih znanj.
Taja in Anika, 7.r
Pa še članek še v angleščini:
On 4th October, the pupils from 7th grade went on a school trip. We visited Plastik Kanal and Avče pumped storage hydropower plant. Plastik Kanal is a company which produces all kinds of plastic products. We visited the production line of plastic containers for everyday purposes. It was very informative because we learned a lot of interesting facts about the comany. The one that impressed me the most was that their electricity bill is 25.000€ a month and that they make 10.000.000€ a year.
Afterwards we visited the pumped storage hydropower plant Avče PSHP, which is the only one of its kind in Slovenia. The plant is important because during periods when the prices of electricity are low (nights and weekends), the plant pumps water into the upper storage reservoir and it generates electricity during periods when electricity prices are high (peak demand). The plant is situated on the left bank of the river Soča, downstream from the village of Avče. The powerhouse features the core power generation hardware. We saw the powerhouse shaft which is 71m below the ground. It was scary.
The school trip was very educative especially because the teachers surprised us with the visit of a private museum of the First World War and the presentation of the town Kanal.
Julija Pavlin V, 7.c